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Aradia was the first book in English to portray witchcraft as a secret religious cult surviving from pagan times. Originally published in 1899, it allegedly records the rites and words of an underground community of witches who worship Diana and her daughter Aradia. It was foundational in its influence on Gardnerian witchraft, and Doreen Valiente incorporated some of its passages into her famed poem 'Charge of the Goddess'. This is a classic of modern pagan witchcraft that should have a place on every witch's bookshelf.


This attractive affordable edition modernises the format and typography while keeping the text unchanged. Appended at the end are a series of short essays on the text, including one by Treadwell's very own founder Christina Oakley Harrington.


Newport, RI: The Witches Almanac, 2010. Paperback, 178 pages. New.

Aradia: Gospel of the Witches – Charles Leland



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