An accessible and informative introduction to the seven planetary energies commonly used across numerous magical practices.
Written magical texts have commonly relied on seven planetary energies taken from the seven celestial bodies visible in the night sky, and this practice has carried on to modern witchcraft practices. Beattie introduces these energies and their correspondences clearly and concisely in this book, demonstrating how versatile planetary magic can be in one’s practice. After a brief introduction, Beattie provides a table of magical solutions for everyday problems from anxiety to seafaring protection demonstrating the correspondences of the seven energies. This is followed by a chapter on how to use the planetary energies, and finally, each energy has its own chapter where it is explored in depth. This is an excellent resource that can be referred to and expanded upon, and there is a reading list provided at the end of the book to guide further research.
Alresford: Moon Books, 2022. Paperback, 133 pages. New.
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