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Subtitled Working the Magick of the Classical Planets in the Western Mystery Tradition, this practical textbook lays out the symbolism and magic of the seven traditional planets which are the basis of much Western magic and esoteric thought. The book outlines the gods and goddesses who give their names to the planets, their associated Olympic spirits, archangels, angels, intelligences and spirits. It also gives techniques for creating planetary sigils using magic number squares, calculating planetary hours, and making talismans. The authors also offer original planetary ceremonies for the more advanced reader to try. This is a very useful guide for the practitioner building up competency in Western spell-casting and practical magic, and a solid introductory handbook for researchers of astral magic in the Western esoteric tradition.


London, UK: Avalonia, 2007. Paperback, 218 pages. New.

Practical Planetary Magick - David Rankine & Sorita d'Este



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