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London-based independent publisher Strange Attractor Press have published some of the most unique titles over the last few years, including City of the Beast by Phil Baker and Obsolete Spells, an anthology of the writings of Victor Neuburg. After a hiatus of eleven years, they have returned with a new instalment of their journal, described as 'a characteristically eclectic collection of high weirdness from the margins of culture'. The contributions cover a wide range of subjects, including the enigmatic Acéphale, the surrealist group founded by Georges Bataille; the infamous case of a crucifixion atop Hampstead Heath in 1968; the natterjack toad and its use in traditional folk magic; strange tales of supernatural shapeshifters and animal spirits across Britain; and even an unpublished kaiju screenplay, among many other offerings. These essays exemplify the quality and breadth of Strange Attractor Press's publishing output, and readers who have long enjoyed their titles will no doubt be delighted by this latest instalment of their journal.


London: Strange Attractor Press, 2023. Softcover, 288 pages. New.

Strange Attractor Journal Five



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