The classic edition of the Goetia, also known as The Lesser Key of Solomon, translated by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and with annotations by Aleister Crowley.
This book is the work of two of the most influential (and infamous) magicians of the twentieth century, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley. First published in 1904, this manual of Solomonic Sorcery, giving detailed instructions for the ritual procedures, requisites and declamations necessary to summon the 72 spirits of this grimoire, has been highly influential in the development of contemporary occultism. All of the features of the original edition are reproduced here, including the engravings of Louis Breton and several original drawings by Crowley himself. Crowley's own annotations from his personal copies of the original have also been included, as has his essay, 'The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic'.
San Francisco, Weiser Books, 1997. Softcover, xxvi+134 pages. New.
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