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New edition of the Gerald Gardner classic, with a foreword by Waking the Witch author Pam Grossman.


First published in England in 1959, this is one of Gerald Gardner's two books introducing Wicca to the world, and among his most influential. It is a charming read, not least because it conveys the author's warm personality and a sympathetic understanding of the seeker's mindset. It was co-written with Doreen Valiente, though she did not receive a credit as author, as she was 'in the closet' at the time. Gardnerian Craft initiates will find here nuggets of insight into their own tradition, and it is for this reason that Treadwell's recommends this book to them in particular. 


This new edition of The Meaning of Witchcraft is part of the Weiser Classics series, which sees the major esoteric publisher reissue important occult classics in fresh editions with new covers and forewords contributed by modern authors. The foreword here is written by Pam Grossman, author of Waking the Witch, and notes the crucial role of Gardner in the reclamation of the word 'witch' as a term of empowerment today.


Newburyport: Weiser, 2023. Paperback, 288 pages. New.

The Meaning of Witchcraft (Weiser Classics) - Gerald Gardner



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