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Subtitled, ‘A Shamanarchists’ Guide to the Wheel of the Year,’ this book documents and explores the art of Jamie Reid in a book structured after the eight seasonal festivals of the Wheel of the Year.


Jamie Reid was best known for the artwork he created for the Sex Pistols, but the full extent of his work has yet to be seen in a comprehensive survey such as the one presented in this book. The Wheel of the Year was chosen as the structure of this book as Reid celebrated these festivals himself, with the fusion of Punk and Druidry shining through in some of his lesser-known work. The work collected in this book demonstrates Reid’s uncompromising perspective, combining spirituality, political activism, and the beating heart of British counterculture. A hugely influential visionary, Jamie Reid combined his ideology with action through his art and in many other aspects of his life. This book lovingly documents his work, and points to the ways in which modern visionaries may carry on his legacy.


The artwork included in this book has been curated by Stephen Ellcock, with captions by John Marchant, and commentary on the Wheel of the Year by Philip Carr-Gomm. All illustrations are printed in full colour, with artwork and photographs adorning almost every page.


London: Watkins, 2024. Hardback, 215 pages. New.

Time for Magic - Jamie Reid



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