More about Treadwell's
Weird Walk Zine, Number Six
Obsolete Spells (PB Edition) – Victor Neuburg, Justin Hopper (ed.)
Sorcery in the Black Atlantic - (eds.) Luis Nicolau Parés, Roger Sansi
Fierce Fairytales - Nikita Gill
The Witch's Feast [Cookery] - Melissa Jayne Madara
Witched & Whored - Tabitha Carless-Frost
Storyland [Folklore] (PB) - Amy Jeffs
Tarot and Divination Cards - Laetitia Barbier
Catholica [Art] - Suzanna Ivanic
The Devil's Dozen - Gemma Gary
City of the Beast [Crowley] - Phil Baker
The Modern Craft - ed. Claire Askew and Alice Tarbuck
The Witch's Book of Spellcraft - Jason Mankey et al.
Great Goddesses - Nikita Gill
Grail - John Constable
Q.B.L. [Qabalah] - Frater Achad
The Witches' Sabbath - Kelden
The Celtic Myths that Shape the Way We Think - Mark Williams
A Sinister Assassin - Antonin Artaud
Hag - Forgotten Folktales Retold
Ancient Egyptian Magic - Christina Riggs
The Sun of Knowledge (Shams al-Ma'arif) [Grimoires]
Raven Goddess - Morgan Daimler
Precious Apothecary [Folk Magic; Religion] - José Leitão
Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched - A Map of Folk Horror
Weird Walk Zine, Number Two
Techniques of Solomonic Magic - Stephen Skinner
Here Comes the Candle [London Ghosts] - R. Bayer, C. Wise
Dragon's Blood Incense Sticks
Cursed Britain – Thomas Waters
The Black Toad - Gemma Gary [Devon, Cornwall]
Treadwell's Book of Plant Magic
Bewitching the Elements - Gabriela Herstik
William Blake's Mystic Map of London
Magick Book 4 – Aleister Crowley
Treadwell’s Bag
Thoth Tarot Deck, Large Cards (Green Box)
A Treasury of British Folklore - Chainey
Alchemical Mercurius - Paul Cowlan. Signed.
Aradia: Gospel of the Witches – Charles Leland
Austin Osman Spare - Phil Baker
Candle Magic – Lucya Starza
Death: A Graveside Companion
Getting Higher - Julian Vayne
John Dee and the Empire of Angels – Jason Louv
John Dee's Five Books of Mystery - Joseph H. Peterson (ed.)
Keywords for the Crowley Tarot