More about Treadwell's
Delinquent Elementals: A Pagan News Anthology PB
Querying the Left Hand Path - Phil Hine
On the Ridge, In the Valley - Stone Wizard, Alex Payne
The Enchanted Life - Sharon Blackie
A History of Witchcraft - Jeffrey B. Russell & Brooks Alexander
Weird Woods [British Library Tales of the Weird] - John Miller (ed.)
Hellebore #12: The Storytelling Issue
Barrowbeck - Andrew Michael Hurley
The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic - Alan Moore & Steve Moore
The Basque Witch-Hunt - Jan Machielsen
Folklore Rising - Ben Edge
Song of the Dark Man - Darragh Mason
Herba Mythica - Xanthe Grehsam-Knight & Friends
The Horned God [British Library Tales of the Weird] - Michael Wheatley (ed.)
All the Violet Tiaras - Jean Menzies
They Came to Slay - Thom James Carter
The Lost Envoy - Jonathan Allen (ed.)
The Dark Side of the Sky - Francesco Dimitri
Time for Magic - Jamie Reid
The Book of Lilith - Barbara Black Koltuv, Ph.D.
Hellebore #11: The Animal Issue
Wild Service - Nick Hayes & Jon Moses (eds.)
The Elements of Ritual (Revised & Expanded) - Deborah Lipp
The Black Chapbook - RRH
Ghosts of the British Museum - Noah Angell
Erosion - Lucya Starza
Pan (PB) - Paul Robichaud
The Way Through the Woods - Rebecca Beattie
The Wheel of the Year (PB) - Rebecca Beattie
Ancient Magic in Greece and Rome - Philip Matyszak
Icelandic Plant Magic - Albert Bjorn
Silent as the Trees - Gemma Gary
[Ithell Colquhoun] Sex Magic -Amy Hale
Weird Walk Zine, Number Seven
Martyrdom of St Cyprian [Black Letter Press] - Aelia Augusta
Enchanted Wales - Miranda Aldhouse-Green
The Sacred & the Sinister - David J. Collins, S.J. (ed.)
Aleister Crowley – the Beast in Britain [map]
Hellebore #9: The Old Ways Issue
Wild - Amy Jeffs
Cloven Country - Jeremy Harte
Ritual Weird Walk [Zine]
Planetary Magic – Rebecca Beattie
Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft – Madame Pamita
Fearsome Fairies – (ed.) Elizabeth Dearnley
On Alchemy – Brian Cotnoir
The Norse Myths that Shape the Way We Think – Carolyne Larrington
Living Thelema (Weiser Edn.) – David Shoemaker